Christianity and American Patriotism Today

Rainbow HouseAuthor’s Note: On Sunday July 5, 2015, in light of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision granting a Constitutional right to homosexual marriage, I delivered a message to my congregation regarding the state of our nation. I’ve been humbled by the many requests for the audio of that message, but due to technical issues it was lost. What follows here is my attempt to recreate that message in article form from the notes of the day, which began with our congregation reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Today, as promised, I’ll address the state of our nation and the Christian’s response to it, and I’ll do so through answering a series of questions. Let’s begin by reading Genesis 1:26-28: Continue reading

President Oblivion

I have for some time been putting off writing this article, but I find that I can be silent on this issue no longer.  What  is written here is meant mostly to carry the sting of rebuke to those of us who deem ourselves to be Christians, but yet who have allowed political and cultural life in America to become the cesspool that it is. Continue reading