An Evangelical’s Response to Senator McCain Regarding Immigration

Dear Senator McCain

Last week you appealed to us Evangelicals in your need to garner support for the (supposed) immigration reform bill passed yesterday by your Senate with the help of your smiling vote.  This is my response to your request for aid from us. Continue reading

Sea to Shining Sea?


Few issues raise the ire of more people more quickly than the issue of what nation has the right to call what land their own at any given time, and so any series of discussions regarding international borders would not be complete without treatment of it.  Nations and peoples have long been overrun, enslaved and/or ruled by others, leaving no one’s ancestry unstained by the tint of it, causing national and ethnic rage to burn in many a heart and soul from memory of the issue. Continue reading

When Gods Collide


We now move into a more serious discussion of the idea of culture, for culture is fundamental to a people and nation, and is the thing that is most meant to be protected by the existence of an international border.  Our first stop in this discussion must therefore be to discuss the idea of cultural superiority and inferiority, for whenever there are notable differences between cultures such judgments must be made, however loudly the multiculturalists may howl at the notion. Continue reading

Language, Law & Culture


With the necessity and legitimacy of international borders now established by God (as we have seen in PART ONE), it is a logical next step to conclude that international borders are also a moral idea, as strange as it may seem to some.  Yet despite its seeming strangeness, this is not a hard or difficult thing to conclude, for since God is perfectly holy (Isaiah 6:3), anything He establishes has moral authority behind it. Continue reading

Divine Separation


So profoundly muddled is today’s thinking regarding the issue of international borders that I find it necessary to bring some Scriptural firepower to bear upon it, and so today I launch a four-part series dedicated to the subject.  Our first look into the fog will be to discuss the need for many separate and sovereign nations. Continue reading